Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bye Byerah!

Ok. That's all I needed. I'm done bitching about my life for a while. This blog has served its purpose of letting me vent and now I am pretty much over my funk. Out of my ditch. I feel better. For a while anyway. So... I am probably going to get rid of this blog, as in delete it. So for the few people I gave this link to - thanks for reading! I made a new blog on LiveJournal and I welcome you to bookmark that link now - it's mostly about crochet but will probably include some of my life when something interesting happens. I put a lot of entries on there today, complete with pictures, to get myself caught up. This will keep me up to date on what projects I have going and hopefully keep me motivated to finish them. So I'm going to keep this blog up until I think everyone has had time to change their bookmarks and then bye bye for Blunt Force Drama. Thank you and goodnight.

Click here and love you some crochet beyotches!!